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Constitutional monarchy

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Q: What is it called if a central government runs a nation?
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If a central government runs a nation it is called what?

Constitutional monarchy

If a central government runs a nation it is called a .?

Constitutional monarchy

If a central government runs a nation it is Called a?

Constitutional monarchy

Businesses the federal government runs are called...?

Businesses the federal government runs are called government corporations.

What form of government do you have in Britain?

The central government is a Parliamentary democracy based in London. Local government runs counties and towns. Villages have a parish council.Parliament

What is London underground mustard line called?

That line is the most central line and is called the Circle Line.Operating round the central of London it's a surprise it isn't called the Central Line.But there is a Central Line, and a section of it runs just north of Westminster.

How did a proctectorate differ from a colony?

A colony is an area ruled by a foreing government. A protectorate runs its own daily affairs, but its control by an imperialist nation

What is it called when a government runs an industry?

When a government tells the owners of an industry what to make and how much, that is called fascism. When the government owns the factories and machinery and employs the managers, that is called socialism. Both are dictatorial in nature and the opposite of freedom.

What Client server networks are controlled by a central server that runs a specialized piece of software called?


What do Grand Central Trains offer?

Grand Central Trains offer transportation services. There is a company called "Grand Central Rail" that runs tourist rail services in much of England and Wales.

Which avenue of Manhattan's West Side runs along Central Park?

Eighth Avenue, aka Central Park West. The portion of 8th Avenue that borders the park is called Central Park West, the portion of 110th Street that borders the park is called Central Park North, and the portion of 59th Street that borders the park is called Central Park South. However, for some reason, the portion of 5th Avenue that borders the park is not called Central Park East.

Client server networks are controlled by a central server that runs a specialized piece of software called?

Network operating system