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The College is made up of people selected by the states.

Those designated to perform this task are known as the electors.

The state of Pennsylvania oversees the inner workings of the Electoral College.

The College makes the decision of electing the President of the United States.

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the state of pennslvania oversees the inner workings of the electoral college
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The full question is:

What is false regarding the Electoral College

A They vote on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December

B The results are sent to the Secretary of State

C They are located in Washington DC

D winning requires 50 percent plus one electoral votes for presidential election

The Electoral College often confuses students because a citizen vote SEEMS like that is the whole story of an election. But it is NOT.

First, The Electoral College is a body, but a body with members in every state and they never meet as an entire body. So the State members are "located" in each State; e.g. in their own State of residence. They are NOT located in Washington, D.C. The electors of each state do meet, in their own state, but never with the whole body from all States.

Second, most students quickly understand that each US citizen of voting age marks a ballot, choosing a presidential and vice presidential candidate. So it SEEMS voters vote for "the persons". BUT, actually, voters are ONLY electing a slate of "electors" to represent the citizens in each State. The electors from every state combine to form the Electoral College. So citizen-voters are actually voting only for the party which affects the choosing of the Electoral College in the State where the citizen-voter resides, and the Electoral College actually chooses the President and V.P. slate.

Third, there is no schedule of voting "on the first Monday after the second Wednesday..." or any such idea. The Federal Statute says that electors must vote in the Electoral College in mid-December. The Electors' only schedule is they meet in their respective states 41 days after the popular election.

Fourth, the members of the Electoral College in each State votes on separate ballots for US President, and US Vice President. These ballots are sealed.

Fifth, these sealed ballots are sent to the President of the U.S. Senate.

Sixth, on January 6th, shortly after the presidential citizen-voting-elections are over in November (preceding year), the President of the U.S. Senate opens all of the sealed envelopes containing the electoral votes. This person reads them out loud in the Senate. The results for the WINNER must be a majority vote, which is determined as a 50-percent plus one vote.

Seventh, if there is NOT a 50-percent plus one vote majority, there are measures are in place to determine who becomes US President. If no candidate receives a majority for president, then the House of Representatives selects the president. Each state delegation (instead of each representative) having only one vote.

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Continue Learning about American Government

Is your vote for president and vice president meaningful in the electoral college system?

Yes it is, as long as you have the right age to vote your vote counts in the Electoral College System by one simple vote there can be many outcomes.

How many electoral colleges are in the US?

The Electoral College is the collective name that has been given to the 538 delegates from the 50 states who cast their electoral votes every four years to elect the President and Vice President, as specified by the US Constitution. In one sense, you could say that there is only one Electoral College, as the method is only used in presidential elections; however, a different set of electors are chosen every four years.

The group people chosen by the voters to elect the president and the vice president of the united states?

They are "electors" and as a group they are the "electoral college." Voters in Presidential elections are actually selecting the electors who represent a given party or candidate. Under the US Contitution, voters in each state select Presidential Electors who meet in their State Capitals and vote on the Presidential slates. Together, these Electors constitute the Electoral College, although the College never meets all together in one place. Although Electors are usually pledged to vote for one slate or another, there is no constitutional requirement that they do so. Originally they were expected to vote as they thought best for their states and the country.

What argument for keeping or eliminating the electoral college did you find most compelling?

It is one of the most dangerous institutions in American politics today and should be abolished. The primary impact of the Electoral College is that it gives the citizens of some states more influence over the presidential election than citizens of other states.

How many votes do you need to be presididnt?

It does not take a certain amount of votes to become president. The steps are a little bit different than most sommon votes. Each state has an election for the president on the same day. The candidate who wins the majority of the popular vote for that state gets all of that state's electoral college points. Each state has a different number of points in the electoral college sytem based on their population. It takes 270 electoral college points to win an election. For more information, check out

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Does the electoral college vote on policies?

The electoral college does not vote on policies. The electoral college performs only one function. It elects the president of the United States.

Which countries are democracies without an electoral college?

The United States is the only example of a country in the world which uses an electoral college to indirectly elect the executive, so every other democracy is one without an electoral college.

What was created to officially elect the president?

You may be referring to the oath of office. But the electoral college is what officially elects the president. A presidential candidate may win the popular vote, but without enough electoral votes, he (or one day, she) will not be officially elected.

do you think There are disadvantages to the electoral explain?

You might be asking one of two questions, either about the electoral college, or the electoral system. Please be more specific.

What term represents a group of electors from each state who votes for president?

The electoral college (A+)

How do you win a electoral college?

270 electoral votes in the Electoral College are needed to win the U.S. presidency. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes in the Electoral College is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

What do electors of the electoral college vote on?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States.

How many electoral voted does Puerto Rico electoral count?

Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. Every state and DC are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President. Puerto Rico does not have a vote in the Electoral College.

To be elected president one must receive?

A majority of votes by the electoral college :)

Which amendment member of the electoral college called electors will vote for one person as president and for another as vice persident?

_____ Members of the Electoral College, called electors, will vote for one person as president and for another as vice-president.

Why might electing a president with a minority vote be more controversial under a popular vote system than under the Electoral college system?

In order to win in the electoral college, a majority is required. There is no such thing as a minority winner there. If no one gets a majority, the House of Representatives elects the President from the three top vote-getters. Every state gets one vote. If they choose a candidate with a minority of the votes, the result would probably be just as controversial as when a person with a plurality of popular votes loses in the electoral college.