The law making branch of British government is called Parliament.
what is the name of neenahs law making body
People who are represented by members of the law making body are called constituents.
The First Continental Congress was a colonial law making body that was made up of elected officials. This group consisted of delegates from 12 of the colonies that defended the rights of their citizens. defines "legislation" as: 1. the act of making or enacting laws. 2. a law or a body of laws enacted.
The body of law created by the courts is called a statute. This is a very important type of law.
The British Government.
An assembly is a Greek law making body of government
what is the name of neenahs law making body
An assembly is a Greek law making body of government
executive polycy making body
People who are represented by members of the law making body are called constituents.
The Competition is the decision making body within Turkey
The official map-making body of the British government is the Ordnance Survey. It is responsible for producing and maintaining mapping data for the United Kingdom.
It is the Legislature (legal slating or law making group).
The French law making bodies are the Assemblee Nationale and the Senat.
The Diet