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  • British aggression and expansionalism. - Opium became the most valuable commodity trade in the 19th century and financed much of Britain's colonization of India.
  • Amount of drug addicts increased to about 12.5 million in 1836.
  • Manchu's corrupt and backward government refused to trade with the British.
  • Had to instigate redress.


  • British gain rights in Chinese ports (More ports are opened)
  • Extraterritoriality (Foreign citizens subject to their home laws)

After 2 disasterous wars in 1839 onwards the Chinese realized they couldn't win and gave up.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago


Originally, the Chinese had been very reluctant to go along with the demands of the treaties of 1842-1844. The end of the First Opium War resolved very little for the Chinese, if anything. Illegal opium trade only continued to grow, and with the Chinese proven inferior in warfare, there was little that the government could do about it. On top of that, many of the British colonies, such as Hong Kong, Penang, and Singapore, that now existed in China as a result of the First Opium War, allowed opium smugglers to gain British passports easily. These Anglo-Chinese people were able to reap the benefits of both Chinese and British life---blending in with the population and benefiting from extraterritoriality. Because of foreign connections, Chinese officials were not eager to arrest them or place consequences on them. On top of all this, the implementations of the Treaty of Nanking from the First Opium War had not gone smoothly with the Chinese, and the British were even more earnest in their endeavor to expand trade. Generally, the tension between the two countries had never really been resolved and was again continuing to build. Then, in October 1856, the Lorcha Arrow, a Chinese owned but British-registered ship, became a direct cause of the Second Opium War. When Canton authorities arrested members of its crew based on smuggling charges, taking down its British flag, the British reacted by demanding that the ship's crew were returned safely along with an apology for breaking the code of extraterritoriality in China. Refusing an apology, violence broke out, and the Second Opium War had begun.


The Second Opium War was also won by Great Britain, changing every aspect of China's policies and ideals. The defeat of the Chinese unraveled China's isolationism, opening the country to free trade with Western countries. Great Britain's goal was to open up Triangular trade among China, Britain, and India and to find security for free trade. Even throughout the great changes that occurred in China during this time, a great amount of nationalism remained. Many were still resistant to the idea of the British changing their common way of life. This continued the tension between the Chinese and British. During this time period, treaty systems decided what was allowed within the borders of China, and these policies often included strong extraterritoriality. By 1858, even opium trade had been legalized. The Opium Wars had permanently changed everything about the foreign policies of China and their interaction with Western nations.

source - see related link for article on

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βˆ™ 11y ago

china never admitted that britain was better or stronger than them so nothing happened to china until they disappeared and then a rebellion started again in 1912 and china rose.

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Q: What is the Cause and effect of the second opium war in china?
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What kind of problems did opium cause in china?

The opium war mainly began because of the British and China having an opium trade for tea. The British would get there tea if China got there opium. but the cause of the war was that china wouldn't accept opium anymore, and the british wern't okay with that.

What affect did the drug opium have on the Chinese people?

- Britain traded Indian opium for Chinese tea - Chinese people became addicted to opium - China made it illegal ad asked British to stop trade - Britain said no - China loses opium war - Because Britain has modernized weapons

How did the outcome of the opium war change relations between china and imperial European nations?

Okay, well the opium wars did not help China's economy at all and the opium was still being trade. In 1899 the United States. declares the open door policy to China which means China has to open the door to every merchants in all nations

How many people in China were addicted to Opium?

12 million people :))

What is the main purpose of the first opium war? Link to historic report of The Opium Wars. The Opium Wars, also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars, lasted from 1839 to 1841[1] and 1856 to 1860,[2] the climax of a trade dispute between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire. British smuggling of opium from British India into China in defiance of China's drug laws erupted into open warfare between Britain and China. This makes the british Empire; the first ever "Drug Cartell" making drug adicts of endless Chinese. It has had long lasting effect; but for the East Indian Tea companies cultivation of vast amounts of opium popies; in the Kiber pass area; there would be no opium popies in Afganistan; for the opium popy was native to Turey. The English speaking; were the original Drug Pushers; and have the audasity to call others Terrorists! They should have folowed biblical instructions: == ==

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What kind of problems did opium cause in china?

The opium war mainly began because of the British and China having an opium trade for tea. The British would get there tea if China got there opium. but the cause of the war was that china wouldn't accept opium anymore, and the british wern't okay with that.

What effect did the opium war have on china?

The Opium wars ruined the Chinese functioning society

Which event resulted in the legalization of the opium trade in China?

a treaty ending the Second Opium War

What effect did missionaries have on trade in China?

They helped ban the opium trade.

What problem did opium cause the people of china?

hi sexy humper

What problem did opium cause for the people of China?

hi sexy humper

What effect did opium have on china's economy?

The British introduced opium to the Chinese and got them addicted. By doing this the Chinese only spent money on the drug. Their economy basically crashed because of opium. Opium is basically heroin.

What was a result of the Second Opium War?

Britain gained the right to settle missionaries in China.

What was the result of the second opium war?

Britain gained the right to settle missionaries in China.

What was the name of the conflict between China and Britain over the trade of a poisonous drug?

It was the Opium Wars.Made up of the first opium war from 1839 to 1842 and the second opium war from 1856 to 1860.

Who won the Opium War the Chinese or the British?

The British won the first and second Opium War.

What is the Exact dates of the Second Opium War in China?

The Second Opium war has no known specific dates, as the war did not immediately stop after the signing of the Treaty of Tienstin. 1856- 1858 was the time period of this dispute .