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It is called an autocracy.

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Q: What is the form of government where one ruler has total control and absolute power called?
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What government has a monarch with unlimited power?

When a monarch has unlimited power, the government is called an absolute monarchy.

What is a government of absolute rule called?

oligarchy and dictatorships hold absolute power

What type of government did the Spanish colonies have?

They had an Absolute Despotism. This is when one called the "despot" rules with absolute power.

What is a government by absolute and arbitrary power?

A government by absolute and arbitrary power is a a dictatorship.

What is arisocracy?

Aristocracy is a system of government in which a single person has absolute power and they and the elite around them have complete control

Which of the following is true about government with absolute power?

The rulers use fear to maintain control over the people

What is the definition of a dictatoship?

A form of government, in which total power is expressed through a dictator. The position a dictator is in. Complete and absolute power and control.

What is absolute power?

Absolute power: to have complete control over something.

What was a king or queen who held total power called?

That type of government is called an absolute monarchy.

When the Russian empire was ruled by tsars the reign was an example of unlimited government The tsars had absolute power over the people what is true about government with absolute?

The rulers use fear to maintain control over the people

What is the governmet in which absolute power is excercised?

A government where absolute power is exercised can an an absolute monarchy, an autocracy or a dictatorship.

The ability to control the action of others is called?
