Bill of Rights....
....the Bill of Rights is made up of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution (like stuff they forgot to write).
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was passed due to the objections of the anti-federalists. They protested that the Constitution does not contain a list of rights for the citizens of the United States.
the Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights
There was a point in the drafting process when the United States Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights, which was the primary sticking point in terms of ratification. A Bill of Rights did get added.
Constitutional rights.
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights
The set of rights added to the end of the constitution is called the Bill of Rights.
no it is called the bill of rights
Bill of Rights
The bill of rights provide the list of basic rights and freedoms. While the constitution is the foundation of how government works.
The Bills of Rights, 1st and 14th Amendments
a list of individual rights would be protected by law
The Bill of Rights was passed due to the objections of the anti-federalists. They protested that the Constitution does not contain a list of rights for the citizens of the United States.
the Bill of Rights
Bill Of Rights