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We don’t have the quote so can’t give you an answer. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and we don’t do homework.

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Q: What is the main idea in Madison's quote?
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What is the main idea of the Madison quote?

The main idea of the Madison quote all powers granted must be visited by the senate first.

What is another way to express the main idea of this quote?

Sure, could you please provide the quote you're referring to?

What is the main idea Madison quote?

We don’t have the quote so can’t give you an answer. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and we don’t do homework.

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The main idea of Aristotle's quote is that happiness is the ultimate goal in life, and that it is achieved through living a life of virtue and fulfilling one's potential. He emphasizes the importance of virtuous actions and moral behavior in achieving true happiness.

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Madisons! Lots of Madisons and they like mustard on their madisons too.

What is the main idea of the quote above as it relates to limited and unlimited governments?

Unlimited governments will inherently be corrupt governments.

What were James Madisons sentiment when he said If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy?

Original source of quote is the Federalist Papers #10

Who was dolley Madisons mom?

Dolley Madisons mom was Mary Coles Payne.

How do you summarize a quote?

To summarize a quote, you should focus on capturing the main idea or message of the quote in your own words. Remove any unnecessary details while ensuring that the essence of the quote is maintained. Keep it brief but make sure the summary conveys the original meaning accurately.

What are the release dates for The Last of the Madisons - 1913?

The Last of the Madisons - 1913 was released on: USA: 24 July 1913

What was James Madisons education?

james madisons education was matery of greek,latin mathematics,geography,and english literature

What is stated and unstated main idea?

A stated main idea is when the writer of the particular piece clearly identifies what the main idea is. In contrast, an unstated main idea is when the writer references the main idea, but does not clearly name it.