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This assumes you mean President of the United States; if you meant something else, ask again and be more specific.

Technically there's no limit on the number of times you can run for President; the limitation is on how long you can actually be President. In order to be eligible to be elected President, you may not have previously served more than one and one-half terms in that office.

So, it's possible for someone to be elected vice-president, become president one day past the halfway point and serve out the remainder of the term as president (just under 1/2 term), then be elected twice more for two full terms, a total of 1 day less than 2.5 terms (10 years).

If a vice-president becomes president at exactly the halfway mark of the term or earlier, it counts as a full term, so he can only run for president one more time after that (unless he's not elected ... it's possible to ascend to the presidency, serve out more than half a term, and then be defeated in one or more elections until finally elected again, after which you would no longer be eligible to run again).

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Q: What is the maximum amount of terms a president may now run?
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How many years may a person be appointed as a president?

The president of the US isn't appointed ... rather, elected. A maximum of two terms (8 years) is all they can serve in that office.

If a president is elected for two terms how many years in office will the president serve?

if a US President is elected for 2 terms he will serve 8 years unless he resigns, dies, or becomes unable to perform his duties. A vice-president (or other official) who succeeds an elected president may serve for up to 2 years without forfeiting eligibility to two elected terms. So a President can serve a maximum of 10 years under the law set forth in the 22nd Amendment.

What is the maximum amount of time one person can be president?

The maximum amount of time one person can be a US President is 10 years.The Twenty Second Amendment to the US Constitution states that:"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."So, if a person (the vice-president) takes the office of the President in the first or second year of the preceding President's term, they may only be elected to the office for one four year term. However, if they take the office of President in the third or fourth year of the term, they may then be elected for two four year terms, thus being able to hold the office for a total of ten years.

How many terms can a president serve-?

This depends on the country/organization. See related questions.United States:A US President may be elected to only two 4-year terms of office, under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. He may also serve up to 2 years of the term of the preceding President, through succession, for a total of ten years in office, However, if he serves more than 2 years of a preceding President's term, he can only be elected to one more full term. (The unlikely possibility that a Vice President could succeed to terms of more than one President is not addressed.)Bolivia:A president may only be elected for a single non-renewable 5 year term.Ecuador:As of the 2008 Constitutional Change, A president may be elected to at most two - 4 year terms.2 terms for a total of 8 years ( each term is 4 years).

Nobody may be elected president more than?

In the United States, a president may be elected to serve no more than two terms.

Related questions

The maximum number of terms a president may serve is?

the maximum number of terms the president may serve is 2

How many terms can a governor serve for in Washington?

two 2nd Answer: There are no limits to the number of terms a governor may serve in the State of Washington. ("Two" is the maximum number of terms the President of the US may serve.)

What is the maximum number of years a president may be elected?

Eight, in two four year terms of office.

What is the maximum number of years that an President may serve in America?

Two four year terms, eight years.

How many total years may a president remain in office?

The president can remain in office for 2 four year terms . A total of eight years maximum

What is the a maximum number of terms a president may serve?

Eight years is the limit for most Presidents. However, it theoretically possible for a President who was first a vice-president who finished out another person's term with two years left to serve for 10 years by being elected to two more terms of his own.An American president can serve two terms, or up to eight years in office by today's standards. There was a president who served four terms, but after his presidencies the constitution was amended so that they could only serve two terms.

What is the longest the president can hold office?

Generally, it's two terms. However, the maximum is 10 years. If a vice president takes over as president with two years or less time remaining on the term, then that president may serve two additional full terms.

How many years may a person be appointed as a president?

The president of the US isn't appointed ... rather, elected. A maximum of two terms (8 years) is all they can serve in that office.

What is the maximum number of year a person may be president?

That depends on the constitution of the country or organization. For instance the president of the US can only ever serve 2 four year terms.

How many years can a president serve In the US?

A US president may serve up to two terms of four years each, for a total maximum of 8 years in office.

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The maximum amount a policyholder may collect under the Insurance Claims Complaint Center (ICC) would depend on the terms of their specific insurance policy and the coverage limits outlined in that policy. It is important for policyholders to review their coverage details and understand their policy limits to know the maximum amount they can claim.

What procedural changes were made by Amendments XX and XXII?

Amendment XX shortened the time between when the president is elected and the timed he is sworn in the next year. Amendment XXII put a limit on how many terms a president could serve. Presidents may only serve in office for a maximum of two four-year terms. However, if elevated from vice-presidency during the previous president's term, he may finish his term and serve a maximum of two more 4-year terms.