I think it got it's name from the Souix Indian tribe
The name Riley has been used for both boys and girls.
Chile and Argentina have female presidents. Guyana also had a female president whoes name was Janet Jagan.
John Maryland gave the colony its name. He was the first governor of the state. He was very successful because he restored the state's food industry.
Devi is the Sanskrit name for Goddess used mostly in Hinduism
The first female governor was Joan Finney, from 1991 to 1995. She was the first female candidate in the US to defeat an incumbent male governor in a state general election.
The correct spelling is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is also the governer of California state.
Its mostly a female's first name but it can also be a male's female
Carolina (US State, or female first name) are spelled 'Caroline' in French.
Judith Guichon
She was mayor of Argonia, Kansas ; her name was Susanna Madora Salter ,
The Governor of California is actor Arnold Schwartzeneger
Yes. It can be a female first name such as Jo-Anne. Or a shortened version for Josephine.
Governer General.
Governer Moff Tarkin
It's a misspelling of marijuana. Or... it could be a female first name. It's a misspelling of marijuana. Or... it could be a female first name.