Rural Electrification Act
The constitution under represents urban areas by giving equal representation to rural areas as it does to urban areas. For example, Wyoming and California are represented in the same way even though California has many more people.
Some functions of local self government in rural areas are access to inputs, access to marketing outlets, and safeguarding of ownership rights. Construction and maintenance of expensive infrastructure facilities is another function.
Rural over representation at the state level translated into rural over-representation at the national level.
1.A urban local self government function in an urban areas whereas a rural local self government function in a rural areas. 2A Urban local self government function with three organs Municipality;Corporation and Nagarpanchayat whereas a Rural local self government function with the Gram panchayat ,Panchayat samiti and Zillaparisad.
India has the largest percentage of rural population, with over 65% of its population living in rural areas.
Russia has the largest rural population with a total rural population of about 37,650,000 of its citizens living in rural areas. The country with the highest percentage of its citizens living in rural areas is Bosnia and Herzegovina with 51.4%.
Roughly 17% of the population in England live in rural areas.
Approximately 60-65% of the population in Pakistan live in rural areas. Urbanization is increasing, but a large portion of the population still resides in rural communities.
By the end of the 1700s, the majority of people living in Colonial America resided in rural areas, with around 90% of the population living outside of urban centers. Rural life was predominant, with agriculture being the main occupation for many colonists.
100-56=percentage of Portugal rural
The percentage of people living in urban areas in Thailand is 36%
The communists provided the peasants living in rural areas with weapons.
rural areas where - Russia maybe.
As of 2021, it is estimated that around 46% of the global population lives in rural areas. However, this percentage can vary greatly by country, with some nations having a much higher proportion of their population living in rural areas compared to others.
Urban areas