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For the 112th Congress (2011-2012), the Speaker of the US House is John Boehner, a Republican representative from Ohio.

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Q: What is the political party of the current speaker of the house?
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Who chose the speaker of the House of Representatives?

A political party that has a strong majority in the House of Representatives gets to choose the speaker.

Does the speaker of the house have to be the same political party as the president?

No. The speaker of the house is appointed by the majority party in the House, and has always been a member of that party. The speaker can be anyone, even if they are not a member of the House. (barring a breach of balance of powers; i.e. a Governor could not also be the speaker).

Does the speaker of the house of commons stand unopposed?

Yes, the do not have allegiance to a political party.

What are responsibilities of the speaker of the house?

The responsibilities of the Speaker of the House are that he presides over debates, makes sure that the rules of the House are obeyed, maintains the running order and looks after the administration of the House. The Speaker is independent of any political party.

Speaker of the house?

The current Speaker of the House is Paul Ryan and expected to keep his office for the next term. The Speaker of the House for the US House of Representatives is chosen by its members. A new Speaker of the House is chosen from each party's nominees on the first day of every new Congress.

Who is the current speaker of the US house and what party do they represent?

That would be Nancy Pelosi - Democrat -California.

Who is the leader of the house of representatives legislative branch?

The 'leader' of the US House of Representatives is known as the Speaker of the House. The Speaker is elected by the Party (Democrat or Republican) that controls the most seats in the House, known as the majority party. The Speaker is also therefore, the majority leader. The Party with fewer seats in the House than the other Party is known as the minority party, and the minority party elects its own leader, known as the minority leader. The current Speaker and majority leader is John Boehner, a Republican.

How is speaker of the house elected?

The Speaker of the House is elected by the members of the House of Representatives. Before the vote each party chooses their candidate. The majority party's candidate will then win the election (assuming his or her party's representatives vote according to the party's decision).

Who is the leader of the majority party in the US House of Representatives?

The leader of the US House of Representatives is called the Speaker of the House. As of January 2011, the Speaker is Republican John Boehner of Ohio. The Speaker is elected by the members of the House and historically will be chosen from the majority party in the House. The equivalent position for the opposition party is the Minority Leader.

Who is the current minority speaker of the United States house of represenatives?

The Speaker of the House is the highest ranking member of the majority party, currently Paul Ryan. The highest ranking member of the minority party is the Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi. There is not a minority Speaker of the House.