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What is the inauguration?

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15y ago
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15y ago

The speech is the new President's first opportunity to address the nation as President of the United States. Most will use this time to discuss their plans and initiatives for their Presidential term.

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15y ago

The same purpose as any inauguration of a president of the USA. He has to be legally confirmed in the office of president.

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15y ago

they serve to mark the beguining of new eras, govermentship, enterpraises and the such. When you have a mayor change in any of these areas, you need an inagural ceremonie to beguin.

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13y ago

To introduce himself as the President also to make a good impression.

To build a relationship/bond with the citzens

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What does the term inauguration mean?

An inaugural speech is a speech given on the day that someone is sworn in to office, such as a president or mayor. Being sworn in also called an inauguration.

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hi, the inauguration speech should be televised live in america, but otherwise there will be a replay later in the day or tuesday. it wil start 11.30 eastern time

What does the term inaugural speech means?

An inaugural speech is a speech given on the day that someone is sworn in to office, such as a president or mayor. Being sworn in also called an inauguration.

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George Washington, the 1st US President, gave the shortest inauguration speech, at just 135 words. Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration speech was very short as well.

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Obama wrote his speech.

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idk some one kdfiaehoqiwe qwiei 5053402636 call

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An inspirational speech is meant for one purpose and that is to inspire. Some examples are Lou Gehrig's "Farewell to Baseball Address", John F. Kennedy's "Inauguration Address", and William Wilberforce's "Abolition Speech".

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Ronald Reagan's inauguration was the coldest inauguration day on record. The temperature was 7°F.

How long was the shortest inauguration speech?

5 mins

What happens after the inauguration speech?

The "president" gets sworn in

Can you give an example of an inspirational inauguration welcome speech?

There have been many great and inspirational inauguration/welcome speeches. One example is John F. Kennedy's Presidential Inauguration speech in which he challenged American to 'ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.'