A democracy Government
A direct democracy form of government gives people the most significant amount of political influence. A dictatorship allows the least amount of political influence.
The civil war was the greatest crisi of the American federal system.
The Declaration of Independence was risky because it basically called out the greatest country in the world at the time on their tyranny. The Constitution outlined the freedom that every American citizen now enjoys.
It is sometimes called the word's greatest political editorial because it started and encouraged the independence movement all around the world. It helped gain a wide based support for independence from all sections of society.
Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy
all of the above
A democracy Government
The regime type you are likely looking for is a SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY.
The regime type you are likely looking for is a SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY.
The American Declaration of Independence.
Cicero is considered Rome's greatest public speaker. He was a writer and political leader. He argued against Dictatorship and for limited government.
John Nash
A direct democracy form of government gives people the most significant amount of political influence. A dictatorship allows the least amount of political influence.