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physcal study

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Q: What is the study of the physical world is called?
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What is the main reason why geographers study the physical world?

The physical world is tied into

Is the study of matter and how it changes called physics?

No, the study of matter and how it changes is called chemistry. Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them in the context of the physical world.

What is the study of people and places around the world called?

The study of people and places around the world is called geography. Geography involves understanding the physical features, climate, culture, and interactions of humans with their environment on a global scale.

What is called the study of nature and the phsical world?

The study of nature and the physical world is called natural science. It encompasses disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, and geology, among others, that seek to understand the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis.

What is the term use when study of nature and the physical world using the scientific method called?

Science.......I just figured that out.

What is study of physical remains called?

The study of physical remains is called archaeology. Archaeologists study artifacts, structures, and other physical remains of past human societies to learn about their cultural practices, beliefs, and technologies.

What is the study of the worlds physical features?

The study of the world's physical features is called geography. It focuses on understanding the Earth's landscapes, natural resources, climate, and how these elements interact with human activities. Geography helps us comprehend the distribution of phenomena on Earth's surface.

What science is a systematic study of the physical world and how it works?

physical science

The study of the physical world?

Natural Sciences

What is it called when you study matter and energy and how they react?

The study of matter and energy and how they interact is called physics. Physics is a branch of science that seeks to understand the fundamental laws and principles that govern the behavior of the physical world.

Why is politics called a science?

Technically, science means "the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world." Political science attempts to claim the rubric of "science" because of its systematic study of politics (as opposed to the physical and natural world; i.e., the modifier "political.")

What is the study of nature and the physical world using the scientific method called?

That field of study is known as natural science. It encompasses disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and geology, and aims to understand the physical world through observation, experimentation, and the application of the scientific method.