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Gottfried Leibniz

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Q: Who had a metaphysical view of the physical world and believed that all matter consisted of small units called monads?
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Who had a metaphysical view of the physical world and belived that all mater consisted of small units called monads?

The philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz proposed the concept of monads as indivisible units of reality that make up the physical world. Leibniz believed that these monads were non-material, spiritual entities with unique perception and consciousness, forming the basis of his metaphysical view of the universe.

What is the literal meaning of metaphysical?

"Meta-" means beyond or transcending, and "physical" refers to the material world or things that can be perceived by the senses. So, the literal meaning of metaphysical is "beyond the physical," often referring to abstract concepts or philosophical ideas that exist beyond what is immediately observable.

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The first recorded mountain name is for Mount Meru in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain cosmology. It is considered the center of all physical, metaphysical, and spiritual universes.

What is the belief that bread and wine change to Jesus' body and blood called?

This is called Transubstantiation. In the Catholic Church it is believed to be a literal transformation, although the bread and wine do not change in appearance or physical properties. In the Protestant Churches it is generally believed to be symbolic.

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a particle is typically a pakage of mass too small to be considered an element an element is consisted of atoms, which are consisted of three particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons, which in turn are consisted of particles called quarks

Are there any metaphysical stores in Newport Oregon?

Yes, it is in Nye Beach (the Beach of Newport - Oregon) and it's called Key Books aka: Nye Beach Metaphysical Center - corner of 2nd Court & Cliff St. Ocean Front

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== == They were called the Axis Powers. The Axis Powers consisted of the Germans, the Japanese, and the Italians.

What are the characteristics of metaphysical characteristics?

Some characteristics of the genre:Except for Milton, all poets in this school are said to have wit: a sort of alliance between levity and seriousness.As the term metaphysical implies, this poetry is marked by an effort to go beyond the physical. This may mean that it is has more depth than is obvious.In metaphysical poetry, there are far-fetched comparisons between unlike objects. These comparisons are called conceits.There is a strong religious sentiment in all these poets. These poets have written some of the most devotional verse in English.The theme of carpe diem (seize the day) is very prominent in this poetry. It often emphasizes the transience of life.Both feeling and thought are at once present in this poetry. According to Eliot,these poets can feel their thoughts "as immediately as the odor of a rose."Imagery that avoided clichés

Did newton believed that light had properties of both waves and particles?

Yes, Newton primarily believed that light consisted of particles called "corpuscles." However, it was later experiments and theories, such as those by Thomas Young and Augustin-Jean Fresnel, that showed light also exhibited wave-like properties, leading to the development of the wave-particle duality concept in quantum mechanics.

What was the largest tribe of the Aztecs called?

The Aztecs consisted of the Mexica and allied or conquered tribes.

Deep blue-coloured mineral more commonly called cordierite?

Iolite is the deep blue-colored mineral commonly known as cordierite. It is a gemstone with a strong pleochroism, which causes it to exhibit different colors when viewed from different angles. Iolite is often used in jewelry and is believed to have metaphysical properties that promote intuition and spiritual growth.