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According to the Constitution of the U.S., the President cannot make laws.

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Separation Of Powers !


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separation of powers

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Article I defines the Legislative Branch.

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Q: What is this an example of The US Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws?
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What are three elamples of checks and balances?

Checks and balances are a system that allows multiple branches of government to share power and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. There are three main examples of checks and balances within the United States government: The Executive Branch has the power to veto any legislation passed by Congress. This gives the Executive Branch a check on the Legislative Branch. The Judicial Branch has the power to review legislation passed by Congress and declare it unconstitutional. This gives the Judicial Branch a check on the Legislative Branch. The Legislative Branch has the power to approve or reject any Presidential appointments to the Supreme Court. This gives the Legislative Branch a check on the Executive Branch.All three branches of government are able to act as a check on each other ensuring that no one branch is able to become too powerful and overwhelm the other branches.

Why is judicial review an important function of the US Supreme Court?

Mainly because without judicial review the Constitution would be nothing but a piece of paper. The Constitution states that it is the supreme law of the land. There has to be an authority to decide whether a particular law is constitutional or unconstitutional. If not, then the legislative branch would be free to pass any law without regard to its constitutionality. Judicial authority has always included the power to interpret laws. The Constitution gives the Judicial branch power over all cases arising under the Constitution. The courts must be able to interpret both the Constitution and laws and to determine whether one prohibits the other.

What are three powers the judicial branch has?

1. The judicial branch has the power to interpret the law 2. The constitution gives the judicial branch a similar power concerning treaties with other countries 3.

List and describe the principles in the constitution give an example of each?

The Six Principles of the Constitution/Government found in the Constitution of the United States are---Popular Sovereignty; Checks and Balances; Federalism; Limited Power of the Government; Separation of Branches; Judicial Review.Popular Sovereignty means the ultimate power rests with the people. Checks and Balances means that no one branch of the government can overpower the other branches of government. Each has a check on the power of the other branches. Federalism is the dividing and sharing of power between state and national governments. Limited power means that the government is restricted by the laws and the Constitution and it has to operate within the framework of the laws and Constitution. Separation of Branches divides the government into the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch, each with its own powers and duties. Judicial Review gives the Judicial Branch the right to declare laws unconstitutional.

Why are the 7 principles of the constitution important?

The Six Principles of government found in the Constitution of the United States are---Popular Sovereignty; Checks and Balances; Federalism; Limited Power of the Government; Separation of Branches; Judicial Review. Popular Sovereignty means the ultimate power rests with the people. Checks and Balances means that no one branch of the government can overpower the other branches of government. Each has a check on the power of the other branches. Federalism is the dividing and sharing of power between state and national governments. Limited power means that the government is restricted by the laws and the Constitution and it has to operate within the framework of the laws and Constitution. Separation of Branches divides the government into the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch, each with its own powers and duties. Judicial Review gives the Judicial Branch the right to declare laws unconstitutional.

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The us Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws what is this an example of?

Separation Of Powers ! Plato

This article of the Constitution gives the legislature its powers?

Article 1 of the constitution defines the legislative branch.

What gives the legislative branch of the fedreral government its pover?

The legislative branch gets it's power from Article I of the United States Constitution.

What is the longest article of the constitution?

Artcle I, which creates and gives power to the Legislative branch (Congress).

The U.S. Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws. This is an example of?

Balance of power. They make the laws, but the president has to approve the laws or veto them.

What role does the constitution assign to the legislative branch?

In the constitution Article 3 gives the judicial branch the power the interpret laws and punish law breakers, also the judicial branch can rule laws unconstitutional.

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What branch confirms presidential appointments?

Article 3, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution gives the Senate, part of the Legislative Branch, the power to advise and consent presidential appointments.

The constitution gives the power to tax which branch of government?

The legislative branch has the power to tax, however only the House of Representatives can introduce tax legislature, and it still requires senate approval.

What branch gives passed bills to the president to be approved?

Congress does that, that is the legislative branch,

What branch of government gives advice for treaties that the executive branch makes?

---> Legislative /Senate

To whom does the Constitution give the power to tax?

The Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to tax. However, only the House of Representatives can introduce tax bills. Those bills must then be approved by the Senate.