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Columbus believed he had arrived at islands off the coast of Asia

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He traveled to nearly every part of the known Islamic world.

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Q: What is true with regard to the voyages of Christopher Columbus to the New World?
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How did christopher Columbus voyages inspire europeans?

Christopher Columbus's voyages inspired European powers to seek out the new world as well.

Who explored cuba bahama's and hispaniola?

Christopher Columbus landed on Cuba on his 1st and 4th voyages to the New World.

How many voyages did Christopher Columbus go on?

Christopher Columbus completed four voyages to the Americas between 1492 and 1504. His first voyage, in 1492, led to the discovery of the New World. Subsequent voyages allowed him to explore and establish settlements in various regions of the Caribbean and Central America. Columbus's voyages had a significant impact on European exploration and colonization of the Americas.

What journey did Christopher Columbus take?

He made three voyages of discovery to the new world.

Was Christopher Columbus in a hurricane?

No. but he did encounter a tropical storm on one of his voyages to the New World.

Who made four voyages to the new world?

Columbus made 4 to the Bahamas. He never got to America.

Did Christopher Columbus ever return to the new lands after he found them?

Columbus made four separate voyages to the New World.

When christopher columbus made his famous voyages to the new world he?

believed he had reached the Indies (Asia)

Who wrote many letters describing his voyages to the new world?

Christopher Columbus wrote many letters describing his voyages to the New World.

What did Christopher Columbus do when he made his famous voyages to the New World?

obtained his financial backing from the portuguese queen

Where did Columbus get the diseases?

It hasn't been proven, but there is speculation that Christopher Columbus' voyages were responsible for introducing syphilis to Europe and small pox to the new world.

How many trips did christopher Columbus make to the Caribbean islands?

Thaat's easy. Four