Christopher Columbus reached North America in 1492 and came back to Spain to report his discovery and so alerted Europe to the New World and began a fury of voyages of exploration and the founding of settlements by Spain , Portugal, the Netherlands, France and England. Viking ships had reached North America before Columbus but this information was not known in Europe outside of Scandinavia.
Most popular answer is when Columbus sailed the ocean blue; 1492. But there is evidence that Leif Erickson was here long before that. HOWEVER our native American brothers and sisters were certainly here to greet everyone!1870
Historical globalization is a period that is often identified as beginning in 1492, Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to the Carribean , and ending after World War 2.The u.s.a and the soviet union emerged as superpowers.
There were only five issues: 1) where to put all the sewage 2) how to recognize Christopher Columbus 3) the maximum number of couches you are allowed in one dwelling place 4) whether or not to allow Serbians into the countries, they could start another World War 5) Potatoes were made the national food, and the only consumable food... Punishment: guillotine!
columbus i think might wanna ask other sources
Christopher Columbus's voyages inspired European powers to seek out the new world as well.
Christopher Columbus landed on Cuba on his 1st and 4th voyages to the New World.
Christopher Columbus completed four voyages to the Americas between 1492 and 1504. His first voyage, in 1492, led to the discovery of the New World. Subsequent voyages allowed him to explore and establish settlements in various regions of the Caribbean and Central America. Columbus's voyages had a significant impact on European exploration and colonization of the Americas.
He made three voyages of discovery to the new world.
No. but he did encounter a tropical storm on one of his voyages to the New World.
Columbus made 4 to the Bahamas. He never got to America.
Columbus made four separate voyages to the New World.
believed he had reached the Indies (Asia)
Christopher Columbus wrote many letters describing his voyages to the New World.
obtained his financial backing from the portuguese queen
It hasn't been proven, but there is speculation that Christopher Columbus' voyages were responsible for introducing syphilis to Europe and small pox to the new world.
Thaat's easy. Four