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A limited government.


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Q: What kind of government had one central leader?
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Define federal government structure?

A federal government structure is one in which there is a central leader. This leader follows a constitutional body that guides them and their country.

What kind of government has only one law making body?

A dictatorship has one person making the laws and no one else. Iraq had this kind of government when Saddam Hussein was the leader.

What kind of government has only law making body?

A Dictatorship has one person making the laws and no one else. Iraq had this kind of government when Saddam Hussein was the leader.

Who is the leader of government in the US?

To the extent that there is a single leader of the US government, the President, as head of the Executive branch of the government, is the leader. Because the US federal government is divided into three equal branches, it could be argued that there is no one leader of the government.

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Judaism has not had one central religious leader in almost 2,000 years.

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The strongest Central Government is one in the hands of an absolute Monarch or a Dictator.

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In a unitary form of government, all powers are held by a central government. This type of government is characterized by a strong central authority that delegates limited powers to subnational entities.

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The central government in India is the imperial power. It is the central authority for which everything is governed, including the states. The states were created simply for administrative purposes. However, the central government is the one that has power and governs the state government.

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