They were often used to build fortifications, and other non-combat tasks such as occupation and foraging. They routinely were denied the opportunity to face the CSA in combat, and were often even denied weapons and ammunition. Many, even the vast majority wanted to prove themselves in combat, prove their equal ability, prove their equality on the battlefield, prove their equality as men. They knew the risks of being captured. They volunteerd to join the Union Army, they put pressure on their white commanders to get them into action and endured. With Honor. With Glory.
Foreign aid was essential because the rebels did not have the resources, training, or manpower to fight the British alone. The Revolutionary war would not have been won if it had not been for the french and their aid with soldiers, rations, combat weapons and gear etc
James Madison was the only president to engage in combat while in office. It was during the War of 1812.
something that you need to download combat arms
Japanese Americans
American born Japanese.
Americans of Japanese ethnicity.
442nd regimental combat team
The 442nd Regimental Combat Team which was composed of Japanese-Americans .
The 442nd was the most decorated unit in American History.
The 442nd was the most decorated unit in American History.
Most of the Japanese-Americans who served their country during WW2 fought in Europe and they fought with courage and distinction : notably the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which is the single most highly decorated unit in the US Army .
what was the importance of The 442nd Regimental Combat Team
Japanese Americans.
I believe you are actually referring to the motto adopted by the Japanese-American (Nisei) soldiers of the 100th Battalion and the 442nd RCT (Regimental Combat Team). These were highly decorated combat units of the U.S. Army during WWII. The expression was "Go For Broke". Meaning to go all in
The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was responsible for fighting in Europe and was composed mostly of Japanese-American volunteers . The 442nd is considered to be the most decorated infantry regiment in the history of the United States Army .