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It was supposed to be "the war to end all wars."

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Q: What legacy did world war 1 leave behind?
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What did World War 1 leave behind?

It was supposed to be "the war to end all wars."

What legacy did the World War 2 leave?

World War II was important because it gave millions of people jobs which gave them money to spend. As a final restult America emerged as a leading economic and military power.

What is the legacy of World War 1?

women's army corps

Why did Igor Stravinsky have to leave Europe?

World War II world war 2

When did France leave World War I?

There pussys

Igor Stravinsky had to leave Europe because of .?

Igor Stravinsky had to leave Europe because of World War II.

What is postwar world and its legacy?

The atomic bomb brought man into the atomic age and the cold war.

What was the worst legacy left by Hitler?

his legacy was that he created a whole new level of evil and racial,most of which still exists today

When did Russia leave world war 1?


When did Bulgaria leave World War 1?

after its end

What was Harry s Truman's Legacy?

he wanted to end the World War 2 and make Japan surrender

What legacy did Millard Fillmore left behind?

Millard Fillmore's legacy is mixed. While he played a role in preserving the Union by pushing for the Compromise of 1850, which temporarily eased tensions between the North and the South, he is also criticized for supporting the Fugitive Slave Act. Fillmore's presidency is generally considered uninspiring and his policies on slavery are seen as contributing to the escalating tensions that led to the Civil War. Overall, his legacy is one of controversy and limited impact.