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Q: What letter indicates the city where the first continental congress met in 1774 to deal with the so called intolerable acts?
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What was the british legislation that prompted colonists to hold the first continental congress?

The representatives of the First Continental Congress gathered to discuss their response to the British "Intolerable Acts." These laws were passed to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party.

What led to the meeting of the First Continental Congress?

The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.

What event led to the meeting of the first continental congress?

The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.

What event led to the meeting of the first continental continental?

The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.

What were the effects of the first continental congress?

The effects of the first continental congress were numerous. First, the members demanded an end to the Intolerable Acts. Also, they called for the organization of militias and the printing of paper money. One more thing they did was they formed the Continental Army to be prepared for war with Britain.

What did the congress demand of England at the first continental congress?

It was called for a boycott of all british goods,but it went much further it also passed a new declaration.

What continental congress called made preparations for war?

The second continental congress.

Where and when did the first continental congress meet?

The first continental congress met in philadelphia, September 1774 SQUIBBS

What happen at the First Continental Congress?

Delegates voted to bon ALL trade with England until the Intolerable Acts were repealed. They also called for all of the colonies to begin training troops for colonial milias.

What continental congress was called for peace and made preparations for war?

The First Continental Congress originally called for peace. When peace was not possible a declaration of war was issued and a declaration of independence.

What meeting was called that formed the Continental Army?

Second continental congress

Why is congress not called the continental congress?

the continental congress was for the delegates of the thirteen colonies because they thought that they were the entire continent and the congress is only for america not the rest of the continent