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Q: What new roles did women gain in FDR's adminstration?
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What were women's roles or status during the Victorian period?

Women didn't have many rights in the 1890's and their main role was that of a homemaker. During the first part of the 1900's women started to gain more roles in economics and politics.

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To gain support and approval for the war effort.

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the role was to gain money

What were the Differences between 19th and 20th century women?

In the 19th century, women were largely confined to domestic roles and had limited rights, such as property ownership and voting. By the 20th century, women began to gain more rights and opportunities, including the right to vote and increased participation in the workforce. These changes led to shifts in societal norms and expectations regarding women's roles in society.

When did women gain their independence?

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The purpose of women's suffrage was for women to gain the right to vote.

In what year was it passed for women to vote?

Women gain the right to vote in 1919.

What did women gain the right to vote?

The Suffragettes

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Obviously notskinny people gain more weight than fat people when their pregnant

Why do people want change in the 1920's?

Women's roles began to change in the 1920's because during WWI many took jobs and did not want to give up an income when he war was over. Women were beginning to gain more financial freedom and independence. The roaring twenties was also a good economical time for the country.