The Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed official slave-catchers to hunt down runaways. This caused a highly emotive reaction in the North, and it made Harriet Beecher Stowe so angry that she wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.
The admission of California as a free state.
I'm pretty sure Stephen A. Douglas DID NOT pass the Compromise of 1850. He only agreed about the idea of a railroad starting from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean. Douglas's plan failed anyway, but just to be clear that Stephen A. Douglass was NOT in any part of passing the Compromise of 1850, I promise you! Yea you are wrong, he helped pass the law through congress by splitting them up into 6 (later 5) separate measures. few members were prepared to vote for all of them, but from different elements Douglas hoped to mobilize a majority for each.
The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the Compromise of 1850 and it was done to satisfy abolitionists who were in Congress. While slavery was outlawed in Washington, D.C. under this compromise, the Fugitive Slave Act allowed slaves to be returned to their masters and those who housed their escape to be punished.
The Fugitive Slave Act. It forced members of the public to report anyone who looked as though they might be a runaway, on pain of heavy fines - turning them into unpaid slave-catchers, in other words.
The Missouri Compromise
The law was called the Fugitive Slave Act, enacted in 1850 as part of the Compromise of 1850. It mandated that all escaped slaves, regardless of their location, be captured and returned to their owners, compelling Northerners to assist in this process.
The Fugitive Slave Law angered the Northerners a lot.
The Fugitive Slave act was part of the Compromise of 1850. The compromise of 1850 said any new states would be free states as long as they passed the fugitive slave act. This act made Northerners turn in runaway slaves.
Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.
the most controversial part of the 1850 compromise was California becoming a free state.
Compromise of 1850
The Fugitive Slave Law. This caused Harriet Beecher Stowe to write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', which drew slavery to the attention of large numbers who had not taken much interest in it before.
The Compromise of 1850 had several provisions. California entered the Union as a free state. There was still slavery in Washington, D.C. but no slave trade and Texas lost its claim to some of New Mexico. The most controversial part of the law was the Fugitive Slave Law which required northerners to return escaped slaves to their owners.
A provision creating Utah and New Mexico
A provision creating Utah and New Mexico
The Second Federal Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, part of the Compromise of 1850, angered Northerners because it required citizens to assist in capturing and returning escaped slaves, denying them a jury trial. This law heightened tensions over the issue of slavery in the United States and was seen as a concession to the South at the expense of individual liberties in the North.