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The admission of California as a free state.

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Q: What part of the Compromise of 1850 would have pleased abolitionists?
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Who was the spokesman whose support for the Compromise of 1850 earned him the hatred of abolitionists?

Daniel Webster

Was the Missouri Compromise of 1850 more favorable for the North or the South?

Basically the Missouri Compromise of 1850 was a fair compromise. One problem for Northern abolitionists was that the Compromise ushered in the Fugitive Slave Act. They were outraged that the new compromise included this law.

Provision of the compromise of 1850 that comforted southern slave-catchers and aroused the wrath of northern abolitionists?

Fugitive slave act

The provision of the compromise of 1850 that comforted southern slave-catchers and aroused the wrath of northern abolitionists?

Man-Stealing Law

What was Henry Clay's primary purpose in offering the Compromise of 1850?

Henry Clay's primary purpose in offering the compromise of 1850 was to keep the Union together.

What two parts of the Compromise of 1850 appealed most to Northerners?

Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

What part of the Compromise of 1850 pleased Northerners the most and which part pleased the southerners?

Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

When was the compromise of 1850 passed?

The Compromise of 1850 was passed on September 9th, 1850.

What year was it during the Compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 took place in 1850.

What did Henry Clay have to do with the compromise of 1850?

he made it The Compromise of 1850

What did the compromise 1850 involve?

The Compromise of 1850 changed the basis for slavery in the US. Under the Missouri Compromise (1820), new territories and states would allow slavery if they were located below 36° 30' N latitude. At the time, this was mostly Mexican territory, but much of it was ceded to the US following the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) and abolitionists did not want slavery extended to the area. The Compromise of 1850 left the issue of slavery up to the inhabitants of those new territories, i.e. popular sovereignty.

What was the compromise of 1950?

There is not a Compromise of 1950 but there is a Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 consists of five laws passed in September of 1850 that dealt with the issue of slavery.