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Political parties like we have today did not exist back when George Washington was in charge. He didn't belong to a political party. In fact in his farewell speech in 1796 he warned against political parties.

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He wasn't officially a memeber of any political party, but he more often sided with the Federalists. In terms of parties nowadays, I suppose he would be more akin to a Democrat, as he favoured a strong central government.

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10y ago

George Washington, the 1st President of the United States, did not belong to a political party. He served as President from 1789 to 1797.

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Q: What party was President George Washington a member of?
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What US president was the only president to not belong to any political party when first elected?

George Washington. During Washington's two terms the Federalist and Republican (not the current Republican) parties were formed. John Adams was the first (and only) Federalist President, and Jefferson was the first Republican President.

Which Presidents were elected without any party affiliation?

John Tyler. He started out as a Whig, but was kicked out of the party when he vetoed the banking bill. The description also applied to Andrew Johnson, who was only a Republican for 4 years when he was vice-president and president, but was a Democrat before and after.

Which president was the only president to serve as a Federalist Party member?

John Adams, the second president, was the only Federalist Party president. When George Washington became president there were no political parties. As time went on different people began to believe that the federal government should be strong and these believers were known as Federalists. Others believed the federal government should not be strong and they became known as Democratic Republicans. George Washington certainly believed in a strong central government and in the Federalist position, but there was no Federalist Party just yet. That is why he was not a "Federalist Party" president. As it became clear that Washington would not seek a third term, the people of the different thoughts became more organized into parties. John Adams hated political parties, but he was backed by the Federalists and ran for President as a Federalist and won. After Adams served, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison James Monroe served two terms each as members of the Democratic Republican party. By this time the Federalist Party all but disappeared. John Quincy Adams ran for president as a member of the National Republican party.

Was George Washington a Democrat?

During the time of George Washington, political parties as we know them today did not exist. However, Washington's views leaned on the Democractic side."As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality."-- George Washington

Which political party did George Washington belong?

Although not a member of any party, George Washington basically favored a strong central government so long as there was a balance of power held by the Congress. Having just fought a long and bloody war against the British to rid the US of a king, Washington was leary of one person holding such monarchial power again.

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George Washington was the only US President without party affiliation.

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National political parties were formed after George Washington was president, so he was not a member of one.

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He was never an official member of any political party, though he shared some of the views of a party that existed in his time called the Federalist Party. George Washington Was not a member of a political party.

What US president was the only president to not belong to any political party when first elected?

George Washington. During Washington's two terms the Federalist and Republican (not the current Republican) parties were formed. John Adams was the first (and only) Federalist President, and Jefferson was the first Republican President.

What political party did George Washington a member of?

He was not a member of a political party because he believed that they would separate our country.

What political party did George Washington Member of?

He was not a member of a political party because he believed that they would separate our country.

Only president who wasnt a member of a political party?


Which Presidents were elected without any party affiliation?

John Tyler. He started out as a Whig, but was kicked out of the party when he vetoed the banking bill. The description also applied to Andrew Johnson, who was only a Republican for 4 years when he was vice-president and president, but was a Democrat before and after.

Who warned the country against the baneful effect on the spirit of party?

President George Washington.

What was the political party George Washington became president?


Who was the the only president not affiliated in a political party?

George Washington.

Which was the only president that did not represent a poitical party?

George Washington.