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George Washington. During Washington's two terms the Federalist and Republican (not the current Republican) parties were formed. John Adams was the first (and only) Federalist President, and Jefferson was the first Republican President.

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16y ago

George Washington. He strongly disapproved of them, considering them "factions" but they formed anyway in the course of his Administration. Republican Party

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16y ago

George Washington was the one and only President to not join a political party. he said that parties cause fighting and an outrage in Washington, D.C.

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11y ago

George Washington was elected before political parties began to form in the US.
gorge washiton

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13y ago

George Washington. Some think it was Lincoln, but Lincoln was the only Third Party candidate to be elected.

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9y ago

George Washington was the only President elected without a party affiliation.

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14y ago

George Washington was the only president not in a political party.

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George Washington had no political party affiliation. (He also ran unopposed.)

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Q: What US president was the only president to not belong to any political party when first elected?
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