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Q: What ploitical leader was opposed to the doctrine of states rights?
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Who was the northern leader who opposed slavery and states rights?

Bill Clinton

Which political leader was most closely identified with the doctrine of states rights?

States' Rights LeaderThe leader was Vice President John C. Calhoun.

What is a leader who supports the rights of the common people as opposed to the privileged elite called?

A populist is a supporter of the rights of the common people as opposed to the privileged elite. I hope this helped and good luck to ya! ;)

What doctrine of rights did justices use to expand the notion of legal rights?

They used the doctrine of natural rights built on the concept of "fundamental fairness."

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What was the states rights Doctrine?


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Doctrine, philosophy

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What kind of policy is the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine's policy was to safeguard the rights of independent nations to sovereignty.

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Is Jay-Z the current thought leader in civil rights?

He is the thoughtless leader of uncivil rights.