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Q: Who was the northern leader who opposed slavery and states rights?
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How did issues of states' rights and slavery increase tension between the north and south?

Northern workers opposed slavery; southern planters support it

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What ploitical leader was opposed to the doctrine of states rights?

Jefferson Davis

How did Northern whites who assisted with the underground railroad begin to view slavery?

Human rights, not states rights.

How did slavery in the South intensify the states' rights issue?

Because Northern people opposed it, and southern farmers supported it therfore it caused tensions between the North and South which caused the American Civil War

What causes the Lincoln-Douglas Debates?

Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery and Douglas wanted states rights

What is a leader who supports the rights of the common people as opposed to the privileged elite called?

A populist is a supporter of the rights of the common people as opposed to the privileged elite. I hope this helped and good luck to ya! ;)

What was Abraham Lincoln opposed to?

First of all it is Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln opposed slavery and he was president during the Civil War. If you are a student, It would probably helpful to look in your textbook. Also states rights' were an issue to him but not as major as slavery.

Who was the leader of the war Bloody Sunday?

hi i think it was NICRA Northern Ireland civil rights association

What did John Jay's treaty with Spain was opposed by congressmen from the South because?

Jay was a leading spokesman in favor of Indian rights and ending slavery.

Was Kentucky against slavery or for slavery during the Civil War?

It was a Northern State that was pro slavery and anti Confederacy. It did not view the civil war as a slave issue. It considered the civil war a states rights issue.

How northern abolitionists and southern slaveholders viewed slavery?

that they thought it was wrong that is should be banned and they wanted to change that and stand up for their rights