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Northern workers opposed slavery; southern planters support it

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Q: How did issues of states' rights and slavery increase tension between the north and south?
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When America sought westward expansion in the 1850s, there were many issues that presented themselves. One major underlying source of tension was slavery and the strife between the North and the South.

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beacuse it did look in a book

What were the disagreement between the north and the south beside slavery?

They disagreed on economical issues, cultural issues, and constitutional/government issues.

What issues between North and South led to the Civil War?

mostly slavery

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Moral slavery can be defined as the morality issue that was deemed to exist between a slave and the master. Friedrich Nietzsche made an attempt to define the issues of morality in relation to slavery.

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slavery and the issues that it brougt

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What was the major source of tension between Britain and the US in the 1840's?

The main issues between the US and the British were focused on expansion, land acquisition and borders

Before the civil war one of the major issues between the north and the south was?

Extension of slavery into the new Western territories, and the balance of power between North and South in Congress.

Did domestic issues play a role in the escalation of tensions between Mexico and us?

Indeed. Slavery was by far the largest factor.