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Q: What political course of action did the colonists take before declaring independence?
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What action led many Americans colonists to support declaring independence from the British empire?

Great Britain increased taxes on many items in the colonies.

What action by colonists surprised john Adams?

The increase of political activity about taxes.

Was the Declaration of Independence an action taken by the colonists because the king of England would not compromise with them?

yes and u should no that

What caused colonists to take action as a organized political group.?

look this is a BAD website DO NOT i repeat DO NOT use it for anything

Did the colonist get their independence from the British government?

Yes, because Britain is treating the colonists unfairly, and the colonists have rights to stand up and take action! Britain is violating those right, and the colonists are doing nothing to stop them! If the colonists separate from Britain, they then get to make their own laws, have their own government, and freedom!

How were the colonists likely to respond to the governor action?

how were the colonists likely to respond to the governs' action

What caused colonists to take action in an organized political group?

i dont know i was asking google for the answer

In his book Common Sense what action did Thomas Paine want the colonists to take?

In his book "Common Sense," Thomas Paine urged the colonists to seek independence from British rule, arguing that monarchy was wrong and that the colonies should establish a democratic government. He called for a complete separation from Great Britain and encouraged the colonists to fight for their freedom.

Which action by Britain did the colonists believe violated the principle stated in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed?

passage of the stamp act.

Who was dissatisfied with the government of the early Roman Republic because it was dominated by patricians?

The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.The plebeians. They wanted a piece of the political action too.

What was thomas Paine famous for what?

What_was_Thomas_Paine_known_forOr:Thomas Paine is known for his pamphlets on independence written during the American Revolution including Common Sense and The Crisis, both published in 1776. These inspired the colonists to take action, providing very good arguments for the colonies' independence.

What action taken by British Parliament marked the beginning of a decade of discontent on the part of colonists that ultimately lead to their declaration of independence?

Passage of the Stamp Act in 1765.