

Best Answer

either abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, ulysess s. grant or rutherford b hayes.

i honestly dont know out of those 4.

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Q: What president ensured his election and bargained away most of his presidential power?
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Jamestown's prosperity was ensured by?

Jamestown's prosperity was ensured by royal financial support.

Was the spoils system good or bad for American politics?

The Spoils System was first used by president Andrew Jackson. This system was pretty simple; when someone (ex: a senator) would run for an office position (ex: the presidency) and would win, he would use his new powers (as president) to give his big supporters positions (such as the presidential cabinet). This did two main things: it gave others incentive to also support that person, and it ensured that the person (president) was only surrounded by people who agreed with that person's viewpoints - thus, making it easy for the person (president) to accomplish his or her agenda (and pass or veto whatever bills he/she wanted to). Due to the use of this system, many new U.S Presidents were able to mold the country into the shape that he wanted much more easily; however, whether it was good or bad is more of a subjective (opinionated) question. It's up to you to decide that.

How did the Declaration's accusations against the king affect the setup of the new American government under the Constitution?

It ensured that the new government would have separation of power.

What did the Fourteenth Amendment accomplish?

It ensured that blacks would be considered citizens.

What is the independence of judicial branch ensured by?

The independence of the judicial branch is ensured by checks and balances. Checks and balances ensures that all three branches of government have power, but not too much. It gives all branches independence, but prevents control by a single branch. Article 3, Section 1

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What is one way the forefathers ensured that the president of the US would never become a tyrant like the king?

The president must run for election every four yearsThe president can be over ruled by the congress and senateThe president can not pass or force any piece of legislation (make laws) he does suggest or have his party try to pass legislation.

What is one way the forefathers ensured the president of the US would never become a tyrant like the king?

The president must run for election every four yearsThe president can be over ruled by the congress and senateThe president can not pass or force any piece of legislation (make laws) he does suggest or have his party try to pass legislation.

What factor helped Woodraw Wilson win the election of 1912?

The factor that ensured Wilson's victory was the division in the Republican Party between Roosevelt and Taft.

Why does the president pick his cabinet members and not congress?

Because the cabinet and the president personally work together on a regular basis, so cooperation is ensured if the president has the authority in this instance.

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The original system pretty much ensured that the Vice President and President would not be of the same ideology, since there was only one vote: whoever won was President, whoever came in second (most likely an opponent) was the Vice President. The system now votes for them separately, so it's much more likely (though, in the case of faithless electors, not absolutely assured) that the two will come from the same party.

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Answer: Avigon Why: King Philip ensured the election of a French Pope who moved the papacy to Avignon.

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What were the issues of the 1932 presidential election?

issues involved the treatment of blacks, like passing anti-lynching, anti-poll, and other civil-rights bills. Truman would later adopt a strong civil rights plank for his campaign in order to gain black votes. Dixiecrat party disagrees and gets segregationist Strom Thurmond to run for president as well. at the end of the election Truman wins.

What is one way the forefathers ensured that the president of the US would never become a tyrant like a king?

They provided for a term of four years.

Why did many US senators refuse to sign the treaty of vesailles?

Because they were Republicans. The president was a Democrat, and the Republicans had gained control of Congress in the election held five days before Germany signed the Armistice and gave up. And then, just like now, Congressional Republicans are not going to give a Democratic president anything, even if doing so would be good for the country and the entire world, and even if such an action ensured a second world war.

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Some people criticize the process of taking the popular vote because the electoral college are the votes that determine who wins. Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000, but George Bush won the electoral college and became president.