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US President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the most vetoes with 635 vetoes. However, he served three-plus terms. Grover Cleveland vetoed 584 bills in just two terms. Andrew Jackson vetoed only 12 bills but that was more than the total of all the six presidents before him.

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the most vetoes with a total of 635 vetoes. (He was also in office for the longest time.)

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Andrew Johnson had the most vetoes overridden by Congress.

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Franklin Roosevelt vetoed 635 bills in total; of those 9 were overriden by congress.

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12y ago

Franklin Roosevelt holds the record with 635 vetoes. Grover Cleveland was second with 414 .

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Benjamin Franklin, with 635 vetoes.

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Q: What president has signed the most bills into laws?
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THe President can not make laws. He can sign bills into law and he has signed most of the ones that cross his desk. He does issue executive orders and gives orders to the Justice Department to ignore some parts of some laws. This latter action may be illegal but he has not yet been seriously challenged.

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The general name given to most bills passed by parliament are called STATUTES

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The most important power is the power to make laws.

What happen to most bills that do not become laws?

They die in committee

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The Affordable Health Car Act, aka Obamacare, was the legislation that Obama did the most to push through Congress. (You realize, of course, that the President does not actually pass any legislation-- he only urge Congress to pass bills that he likes.) Obama also signed important bills to extend the tax cuts of 2001 and several bills to raise the national debt limit.

What is the most imimportant role of the president?

the most important role of the president is to recommend laws to congress as well as approve laws made by congress. The president is also responsible for devicing a system (with the help of advisors) to carry out these laws. To summarize, the president's most important role is to stabilize the country and ensure its sustainability.

Which president vetoed the most laws?

Franklin Roosevelt

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The president proposes several new bills that are all rejected by Congress - apex

What power does the federal have?

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What president passed the most bills?

March 9 to June 16 1933 President Roosevelt sent a record number of bills to Congress. And all of them were passed

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