On the death (1821) of his father, Moses Austin, he took over a grant to bring U.S. settlers into Spanish Texas. ... Was leader of that colony.
Stephen Austin
Stephen Austin
More than 900 families
In 1830, Mexico banned Anglo American immigration. Later Santa Anna and Stephen Austin agreed to allow Anglo immigration to Mexico to continue but did not allow Texas to become an independent state.
old three hundred
Stephen Austin
Stephen Austin
Stephen Austin started a settlement in Texas in the early 1820s
A settlement
The Founder of American colony in Texas was Stephan F. Austin
stephen f. austin played the role in the settlement of Texas becasue he started the texas colony on the lower Colorado River
Moses Austin was Stephen's father, but both were long dead when the Mexican American War began.
He was the first to obtain permission for Anglo Americans to settle in Spanish Texas. He also established the first Anglo-American settlement west of the Mississippi River. He was the father of Stephen F. Austin.
Nothing is known of the sexual orientation of Stephen F Austin, the American empresario.
stephen f. austin played the role in the settlement of Texas becasue he started the texas colony on the lower Colorado River
Stephen Austin