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because they were all democrats, also known as dixicrats, who were all in favor of slavery. It was largely the REPUBLICANS are the ones that pushed through the 14th amendment.

Since most people are educated by the liberal media and liberal school system they do not know their history.

the Democratic platform has usually been about special rights, back then is was special rights for whites, now it is special rights for whoever will vote them into power.

The republican platform is usually about EQUAL rights for all, which is based upon our constitution.

if you prefer special rights for some you will eventually see a class society and that is what our founding fathers were against when they formed this great country.

I'm not saying that all repubs are good and all dems are bad, I'm simply generalizing what each party generally has for an agenda.

do the research for yourself, do not rely on a preconceived set of beliefs.

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12y ago

The Fourteenth Amendment was to free all slaves. I thinkthe southern states refused to ratify it because they needed slaves for farming.

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14y ago

Almost all of the Southern states rejected it at first but eventually all ratified it; the first state to reject was Texas.

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12y ago

because they like slavery and your mom

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4y ago

The Fourteenth Amendment nationalized citizenship, imposing upon all who wished to participate in the American political process (i.e. vote or hold office) the legal status of "citizen of the United States." Furthermore, the Fourteenth Amendment also subordinated the States, North and South, to the national government and dissolved state sovereignty ("state-rights"). For these reasons - that transformation of the political bodies of the States, and the subordination of the States to the national (general) government - all the Southern States except Tennessee rejected the amendment when it was first submitted to them by Congress for approval. They were not alone in that assessment; several Northern States rejected it, as well, and others simply declined to hold a vote for ratification, and two rescinded their previous ratifications.

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