By majority, if the candidate has most of Iowa's electoral votes lets say 21-20 then that candidate that had 21 got all the 41 electoral votes for that state.
The third day of January every odd numbered year.January 3rd
The dates of Congress' sessions have changed over the years, but since 1934, the first session convenes on Jan 3 of odd-numbered years and adjourns on Jan 3 of the following year, while the second session runs from Jan 3 to Jan 2 of even-numbered years.
It is considered to be the 39th state.
Washington was admitted to the Union as the 42nd state in 1889.
my records indicate that the Winchester model 41 was not serial numbered from 1920-1934 and then it was intermittent until 1941.the total production was 23,335 guns.
"Deep calls to deep": a quotation from Psalm 42 (numbered 41 in the Latin Vulgate translation).
West Bengal
New York was the eleventh state to join the Union.
41 states
41 centimeters
New York was number 11.