The desire to protect the interests of the United States in Asia
The Age of Exploration began in the 15th century and continued in to the early 17th century. Three factors that drove this exploration were desire to spread their religion, desire for riches and desire to gain power over other countries.
There are multiple reasons that there was little industry in the south. Here are some reasons:Cotton demand was so big, there was no need for factories.Southerners remained content with farming rather then starting businessesLack of capital (money) - Most southerners had their money invested in slavery and cropsIn addition, some southerners did not want industries in the south, and this sentiment remains true in many areas. One Texas politician said"We want no manufactures; we desire no trading, no mechanical or manufacturing classes. as long as we have our rice, our sugar, our tobacco, and our cotton, we can command wealth to purchase all we want."
"Desire" is a word for something you want.
Women's desire to break with the past.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo.
restoring the power of the democrats and white supremacy
defeating the republican party
The Democratic movements arose in Europe because of the desire of the majority to share in the privileges and responsibilities of the few.
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Mercantilism describes a country's desire to accumulate gold. Several countries have high mercantilism rates. This term was used a lot during the gold rush.
5th Ward, TX Defeating the Republican Party
Demand is the one word.