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wars had the most influence during the Middle Ages in Europe.

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Q: What thing had the most influence during the middle ages?
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Who had power during the Middle Ages and why?

The church had the most power in the middle ages because it was the one thing that united people.

How do castles from the Middle Ages influence us today?

they haven't and the middle ages is irrelevant

What was the main thing that united people during the middle ages?

The main thing that united people during the middle ages was their culture, government and wars. These were the factors that made the people of a particular community to stay united through the years.

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The Roman catholic church during the middle ages in Europe can best be described as a church that was a stable influence. This was during a time where central governments were weaker.

Are the crusades and middle ages the same thing?

No. The Middle Ages is the period of Western European history from 500 - 1500 A.D. The Crusades were a series of invasions of the Middle East by Europeans, instigated by various Popes during the Middle Ages.

What were the tents for in the middle ages during festivals?

Same thing they are used for today. To sleep in.

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There was no such thing as a wanted poster during the Middle Ages.

What was not a major influence upon the Middle Ages?

The internet was NOT a factor in shaping the Middle Ages.

What is the difference between the middle ages and the renaissance in the attitude toward worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

How did josquin des prez influence the middle ages?

I'm afraid that Josquin had no influence whatsoever on the middle ages since he was not born until 1450.

What was practiced to turn metals into gold during the middle ages?

Alchemy. it was essentially a quack science but did influence modern Chemistry.

The pope influence in the middle ages resulted from?
