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Texas annexation, acquire Oregon from the British (54-40 or fight), and California from Mexico - Manifest Destiny.

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Q: What three things did Polk seek to achieve during his presidency?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What do the first three successors to the presidency have in common?

They all were involved in the constitutional convention.

What was the Harding Coolidge and Hoover Administrations?

Harding started the era that marked the end of the Progressive era, Coolidge and Hoover followed suit. All three men were Republicans as was the Congress that all three delt with. All three men felt that government should be limited when dealing with business as their actions during their presidency reflected. During their terms business prospered, but ended in the diasterous Depression.

What was an early suggestion for the presidency?

Some suggestions included a serving for life, three Presidents, and Congress choosing a President.

Who was the only president to ever quit office?

The first and only President of the United States of America to resign the Presidency was the 37th President, Richard Milhous Nixon. When he was sworn in for his first term of office in 1969, President Nixon was 56 years old. He was the second of the three Presidents the United States has had from the state of California, all of whom were members of the Republican party. President Nixon won reelection by landslide in 1972 and gave his famous "silent majority" speech during his second inauguration in 1973. President Richard Milhous Nixon resigned the Presidency in 1974 in order to avoid inevitable impeachment.

What were three historic world events that occurred during Fibonacci's lifetime?

he was three when leaning tower of Pisa started construction

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Three good things Jimmy Carter did during presidency?

he created the department of energy

What three states were brought to the union during polks presidency?

Texas, Iowa and Wisconsin

What are three of lincolns controversial actions during his presidency?

Stopping the new york draft riots, and arresting southern sympathizers

Which presidents died during their presidency?

All of them except Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, Carter, and Obama have died.

During the 8 years of Ronald Reagan presidency the US national debt?

During the eight years of Ronald Reagan's presidency the US national debt experienced a three fold increase. In 1980 the debt stood at 712 Billion and rose to 2, 052 Trillion during his term

What were three issues during James A Garfield's presidency?

Garfield's biggest crisis was being shot by an assassin - a wound he eventually died of.

The first three the presidents to live in the White House?

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison were the first three. However, during Madison's presidency, the White House was burned.

What were three world events during John Adams time of office?

Three world events during John Adams' presidency (1797-1801) were the Panic of 1796, the XYZ Affair (1798), and Napoleon's first coup d'état (1799).

What are the three campaigns for presidency evey four years?

The three campaigns for presidency every four years start from party preliminaries, to debates then rallies.

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What were three things that wendi did during the sui dynasty?

three things that wendi did during the sui dynasty are brought back old political traditions, reduce conflict, and began public work project.

What are three things a person must do during an earthquake to stay safe?

there are more than 3 things