Venezuela became a sovereign country in 1830 and this country's 19th-century history was characterized by periods of political instability and dictatorial rule. The government was under a Dictatorship from 1908 to 1935.
The Revenue Act of 1935 brought in more government funds by raising the tax rate on wealthy people and on corporations.
Actually it was much later than that - 1935F bills were issued from 1957 to 1961. See the listings below. The 1935 series was one of the longest-issued bill designs. At that time the practice was to change a series date only when a new design was issued. At that time the BEP was opposed to changing designs, so the same series year was used for 3 decades. Today a new series is introduced every time a new Secretary of the Treasury takes office. Series 1935 and 1935A issued between Jan 1935 and Jul 1945 Series 1935 B issued between Jul 1945 and Jul 1946 Series 1935 C issued between Jul 1946 and May 1949 Series 1935 D issued between Jun 1949 and Jan 1953 Series 1935 E issued between Jan 1953 and Jul 1957 Series 1935 F issued between Jul 1957 and Jan 1961 along with Series 1957 Series 1935 G issued between Jan 1961 and Apr 1962 along with Series 1957 A Series 1935 H issued between Jan 1963 and Mar 1965 along with Series 1957 B
You haven't provided the statements so we can't answer your question. In 1935 welfare for poor children and others became a federal government responsibility. The government provided funds directly to recipients or to the states to have people maintain a minimum standard of living.
The motto was only added to bills in the late 1950s, so any bill printed before that time will not have it and is NOT an error. The 1935 series was actually printed well into the 1950s so some 1935-G and all 1935-H bills have it; any with a lower series letter will not. A 1935-G bill with the motto is somewhat scarce and is worth about $5.
Much of Venezuela's 19th century history was characterized by political turmoil and dictatorial rule
Venezuela became a sovereign country in 1830 and this country's 19th-century history was characterized by periods of political instability and dictatorial rule. The government was under a Dictatorship from 1908 to 1935.
James Ingram - academic - died in 1850.
Between Men - 1935 was released on: USA: 29 October 1935 Portugal: 20 February 1939
There were multiple acts approved by the British parliament in 1935, but the most important is probably the Government of India Act 1935.
The Revenue Act of 1935 brought in more government funds by raising the tax rate on wealthy people and on corporations.
The Government created it (Franklin D Roosevelt) in 1935 and runs it.
Tejgaon Government High School was created in 1935.
Nonpartisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government ended in 1935.
between 1935 and1957, what was the most likel cause of the baby boom?