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Victories in the battles of Trenton and Princeton helped raise morale when the Patriot cause seemed to be lost.

"On his retreat southwards in midwinter, with an army of only about 6000, he achieves two psychologically important victories by surprise attacks on isolated sections of the British army at Trenton and then at Princeton. These successes raise the colonial morale, and help Washington to recruit more forces."

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Q: What victory battle helped raise morale when the patriot cause seemed to be lost?
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Why was the victory at Saratoga seen as a turning point?

The battle of Saratoga was called the "turning point" of the American Revolution because it was the first victory for the American patriots. After this battle, the patriot's victory convinced the French to join in the Revolution on the American side, thus providing much military support for the U.S. soldiers.

Why was the battle of Trenton an important American victory?

The Battles of Trenton and Princeton were important because they were two of the first battles won by George Washington during the Revolutionary War. George Washington was later appointed by the first Congress of the United States to the Presidency.

Why is George Washington's finest moment the Battle of Trenton on December 241776?

The Battle of Trenton is considered Washington's finest moment because the victory he achieved there not only boosted morale, it gained new recruits. He was able to not only capture Princeton and retake control of New Jersey, he was able to capture over 1,000 feared Hessian mercenaries. The victory was achieved with very little loss of life on the American side.

What was the goal of the battle of Trenton?

The Battle of Trenton was meant to end the year on a high note for the Continental Army after a year of defeats by the British. George Washington to improve his armyâ??s morale.

What three things were accomplished by the fall of Atlanta?

It greatly improved Northern morale. It helped Lincoln get reelected in November. It destroyed the South's ability to resist.

Related questions

What battle helped raise morale when patriot cause seemed to be lost?

Victories in the battles of Trenton and Princeton helped raise morale when the Patriot cause seemed to be lost."On his retreat southwards in midwinter, with an army of only about 6000, he achieves two psychologically important victories by surprise attacks on isolated sections of the British army at Trenton and then at Princeton. These successes raise the colonial morale, and help Washington to recruit more forces."

What battle helped raise morale when the patriot cause seemed to be lost?

Victories in the battles of Trenton and Princeton helped raise morale when the Patriot cause seemed to be lost."On his retreat southwards in midwinter, with an army of only about 6000, he achieves two psychologically important victories by surprise attacks on isolated sections of the British army at Trenton and then at Princeton. These successes raise the colonial morale, and help Washington to recruit more forces."

Why was the victory at Saratoga seen as a turning point?

The battle of Saratoga was called the "turning point" of the American Revolution because it was the first victory for the American patriots. After this battle, the patriot's victory convinced the French to join in the Revolution on the American side, thus providing much military support for the U.S. soldiers.

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The Battle of Bunker Hill, despite being a British victory, was a turning point in the American Revolutionary War. The battle demonstrated that the American forces were capable of holding their own against the well-trained British army. This boosted American morale and attracted more recruits to the Patriot cause. It also made the British realize that the war would not be as easily won as they had initially thought.

Why was the battle of tenton significant?

America hadn't won a battle for a while before Trenton. It was a stunning victory in the dead of winter that raised American morale.

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The Battle of Trenton is considered to be a turning point in the American Revolutionary War. The battle happened on December 26, 1776 and the result was an American victory that greatly boosted morale.

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