In the congressional debate of 1850 Willian H. Seward, a senator from NY and a strong antislveryite, argued that christian legislators must obey God's moral law. He appealed to excluding slvery in the territories to an even "higher law" than that of the Constitution.
Well, it isn't a higher law. The only higher law is the Law of God, and He shall create his own laws that all people must follow or else fear His wrath in Hell.
A principle that takes precedent over the laws of society.
The Constitution is considered to be the "supreme law of the land". Therfore it is the highest law, always. Our judges and justices interpret the law the way it was meant to be understood by our founding fathers.
The concept of natural rights is central to the Declaration of Independence and Social Contract Theory. This concept means that every person is born with certain rights that are not governed by law and can never be taken away.
Law has prospective (forward-looking) effect only. The reason for this is that people are entitled to have advance knowledge of the legality or illegality of their behavior before they engage in it. It is similar in theory to the Constitutional prohibition against ex post facto laws.
It is the principle of Higher Law.
A law cannot become a theory, as laws are higher in scientific hierarchy than theories. Theories may become laws when the evidence for their factuality proves that the theory meets all established requirements set forth by the theory. If at any point in the scientific method a theory is disproven for the criteria that it sets forth, it can never be considered a Law. The hierarchy is thusly: Hypothesis < Theory < Law.
Sewards Folly was bought from Russia in the 1940s and is now the great big state of Alaska.
command of sovereign sanctioned by punishments is law by imperative theory and law as legal science of norms is by pure theory of law.
Sewards Folly
A theory, when proven over time, can become a law. Example: Law of Gravity and Theory of Evolution
Pure Theory of Law was created in 1934.
Last Monday in March
A law is a description of a naturally occurring phenomenon, whereas a theory attempts to explain a law.
It was a law not the theory because this principle has also proved by him.
A theory explains how something works - a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.
Ozone depletion is a theory. It is not a law because it is not passed to government.