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Q: What was millwork like for the typical factory worker?
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What was the life of a factory worker like?

in the 1800's factory life was not the best. The fumes from the machines made people sick, throw up, or even die. Children were losing hands and fingers from the machines. People had to work long hours and the factory had tight spaces. Children kinda had to work in the factories to get exta income for the family because you got at lease 5 pennies per week. The bosses wern't so friendly either. If you complained you would get fired and they had lines at the door so if somebody [usally a kid] got hurt the boss would say' next'! and the next person in line would get the job.

Why did people build most early factories along rivers?

Factories need transportation to bring in supplies needed inside the factory and to ship what is produced in the factory out to stores, the public, etc. Early factories didn't have the use of railroad and trucking transportation, so the quickest way for these early factories to bring things to the factory and ship goods out of the factory was by water. Therefore, they were built along waterways like rivers.

How much is the American paper dollar worth?

That's not a simple question to answer because all American currency, like almost all world currency today, is backed by the stability of the governments that issue it rather than by a controlled commodity such as some kind of precious metal. A paper dollar is no different from 4 quarters or 100 pennies; it represents a certain amount of buying power both within the US and against other currencies, so you have to ask how its value is related to purchasing power over time and/or versus the purchasing power of other currencies, which are complex questions. A more economically-grounded question to ask is how many hours a typical worker has to put in to buy a market basket of goods. So for example, if a worker in the 1930s made only $20 a week but someone now makes $1000 a week are they really earning 50 times as much? Not really, because prices have also increased. But if that 1930s worker needed 10 hours of work a week to feed his family and the person in the 2010s needs only 8 hours a week to feed hers, the modern worker is better off even though they're being paid in inflated dollars. On the other hand a fixed investment such as a pension can and will be ruined by that same inflation - if that 1930s worker left his wife a pension paying $10 a week, and she's still getting that amount today, it IS worth only 1/50th because $10 buys much less in absolute terms.

What was a typical manor like?

farmland, forests, the lord's house or castle, and a peasant village

Is the executive above the law?

no. with all the help he gets, and the fact that his workers don't let him out of his sight; he probably couldn't even if he wanted to, but he just cant, if he wants something, then his workers will get it to him legally. or tell him no eve. but he's not above the law just like anyother government worker

Related questions

What does a factory worker do?

A factory worker helps us as people get the things we need like food,plumbing things and drinks.

Why you choose Taiwan to work for as factory worker?

i choose taiwan because this is the best country whose caring the filipino worker and i like to challenge my self for that...

Why does a worker like communism but a factory worker hate it?

Communism is a very debatable topic. Usually in Russia, most people favor the communist cause either because they honestly like it, or they "have" to like it do to the some-what rutheless government leaders. I would suggest reforming the question.

What is the difference between blue-collar worker and a white collar worker?

If you think of someone who wears a suit with white shirt, that is a white collared worker. That person would have an education above high school (usually) and work in place like a bank or business.A blue collar worker would be someone who usually wears causal clothes to work. He would work in a factory or some other industry like car repair.

What is the difference between a blue collar worker and white collar worker?

If you think of someone who wears a suit with white shirt, that is a white collared worker. That person would have an education above high school (usually) and work in place like a bank or business.A blue collar worker would be someone who usually wears causal clothes to work. He would work in a factory or some other industry like car repair.

What was the daily life of a factory worker like in the 1700s?

Life for a factory worker in the 1700's was hard. Working conditions were not safe and bosses ruled with an iron hand. Wages were low unless you were highly skilled. A person able to help in the production of firearms probably made more money then a worker in the textile industry. There were no unions. No sick pay or accident insurance. Basically factories were not regulated at all by either local, state or national governments.

What does carny mean?

"Carny" refers to a carnival/temporary fair worker. It often has a slightly derogatory context, as in: Typical carny-- looks like he hasn't bathed in weeks, and probably on drugs.

What is a difference between white collar and blue collar worker?

If you think of someone who wears a suit with white shirt, that is a white collared worker. That person would have an education above high school (usually) and work in place like a bank or business.A blue collar worker would be someone who usually wears causal clothes to work. He would work in a factory or some other industry like car repair.

Analogy for nucleolus?

The nucleolus is like a factory within a cell, where important components like ribosomes are assembled. Just as a factory organizes raw materials into finished products, the nucleolus organizes RNA and proteins into functional ribosomes for cellular activities.

What problems do factory workers face?

A few global problems affecting factory workers are long hours, physical stress and danger of injury, and workplace safety in general. In 3rd world and developing nations, problems like low wages and poor working conditions can further complicate the life of an industrial worker.

Describe your ideal co-worker?

When you are asked to describe your ideal co-worker in a job interview most people will say that they want someone who is reliable and responsible. They also like someone who easy to get along with, and who is able to work well as a team.

What were some obstacles that Sandra Day O'Connor had to overcome?

Well she got diagnosed with diabetes when she was only eight years old. when she was nine her dad died. he was like 76 yrs old and was a factory worker