A constitution is primarily meant to ensure that there is a common reference point for justice and to ensure the overall welfare of every citizen. It guides the relationship between the state and the citizens and the relationship amongst the citizens themselves.
Article II of the Constitution
Anti-federalists criticized the U Constitution primarily because governing power was concentrated in the national government. Anti-federalists did not want the Constitution to be ratified.
make policy
The individual, from the government.
Charles Beard made the argument that the Framers of the Constitution were primarily concerned with protecting their economic interests. Beard was an American historian.
Article II of the Constitution
Anti-federalists criticized the U Constitution primarily because governing power was concentrated in the national government. Anti-federalists did not want the Constitution to be ratified.
The constitution.
Conference centers are designed to accommodate many participants.Source: http://82mercer.com/
Dezz Nuts
make policy
Mainframe !!!
he is the one who designed the US Constitution.......wewt \m/ (o_o) \m/
Primarily because that is the form of government the 'founding fathers' chose.
Bill of Rights
The individual, from the government.