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Q: What was the primary economic policy used by the Spanish with their Latin American colonies?
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What are Primary Sources from the Spanish Colonies?

Writings from the time period of Spanish colonization.

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What was the Cuba's role in the Spanish American war?

It was the primary battlefield of the Spanish American War.

What was the primary economic policy used by the Spanish with Latins?


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Which was a primary means of christianizing the Native Americans in the spanish colonies?

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What was the primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires?

The primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires was their geographical focus and their colonial strategies. The Spanish empire focused on the Americas, particularly Central and South America, while the Portuguese empire focused on maritime exploration and colonization in Africa, Asia, and Brazil. The Portuguese established a vast trading network, while the Spanish sought to extract valuable resources, such as gold and silver, from their American colonies.

Where was the primary conflict in the Spanish American War?

Cuban Independence and the sinking of the USS Maine.

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It groups establishments into industries according to their primary economic activities

What are the primary economic activities of the Western American lowlands?

eating food, fishing, planting pomegranates, and bathing gorillas

What was the primary cause of Spanish-American War?

The quest for Cuban Independence triggered by the sinking of the USS Maine.