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Kentucky, W.Virginia, Maryland, and Missouri.

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7y ago

The Union side was the North and the Confederate side was the South.

~ Katherine Carr

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Q: What were the Confederate states and what side were the Union states?
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How many states were on the confederate side?

11 states were on the Confederate side 20 states were on the Union side There were 5 border states, including West Virginia

Which soldiers in the civil war were union?

The soldiers of the Army of the United States were known as the 'Union' during the US Civil War. The soldiers of the opposing side, the Confederate States Army, were the rebels.The soldiers of the Army of the United States were the 'Union' during the US Civil War. The soldiers of the opposing side, the Confederate States Army were the rebels.

Were the southern states confederate or union?

The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)

Who suffered more casualties the union of the confederate?

the union. about 350,000 on the union side about 250,000 on the confederate side

What side was grant on in the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was president at the time of the US Civil War. His goal was to end the Southern rebellion. He was a Unionist and not a Confederate.

Was the south or north side confederate states in 1861?

The Confederate States of America were the southern states (Grey). States in the North, as well as California, were part of the Union or United States of America (Blue).

What is the union and confederate?

The Union is a group of states that disagree with slaves and the Confederate is a group of states that believe in slaves.

Was Alexander Gardner on the Union or Confederate side?


Was Maryland on the union or confederate side?

maryland was on the confederate side and kentucky was on the confederate side too NEW RESPONDENT. Maryland sided with the Union although many Marylanders opposed to.

Was the CS Hunley on the Confederate side or the Union side?

If you are referring to the Confederate sumbmarine the CS Hunley, then yes it was on the Confederate side.

Did the union fight for the south side or the north side for the civil war?

The Union fought on the side of the north under Abe Lincoln. The South was the Confederacy aka The Confederate States of America.

How did the union states and the confederate States differ?

it was war