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1."Three-Fifths Compromise". The sheer number of slaves in the South would increase the population of those states, which affected the proportional representation in the House of Representatives. The "three-fifths" compromise was an attempt to reduce the representation of the South. (Ironically, although it is seen today as a slap at African residents, the effect was actually reduced the political influence of the slave states.)

2. "Connecticut Compromise" or "Great Compromise". At the time, the states were still considered to be sovereign entities, and small states insisted on equal status with the others. Large states, naturally, thought that political power should be proportional to population. The compromise was to have one house of Congress (the House of Representaties) represented based on population, and the other (the Senate) to be represented equally.


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Q: What were the four key compromises that made the constitution possible?
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The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

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The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

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The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

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The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

What process did the constitutional convention set forth for states to ratify the constitution.?

The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

What process did the constitutional convention set forth for states to ratifi the constitution?

The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

What did the federalist accomplished?

The anti-federalists made many accomplishments. This group made it possible for a liberal interpretation of the Constitution, they established government traditions which allowed for federal fiscal integrity and credit worthiness for the country, and they made it possible for the US Constitution to be amended as needed throughout the history of the country.

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Compromises between the North and the South began with the writing of the US Constitution, however, in the 19th century, three major compromises were made between the North and the South. The purpose of the compromises were to keep the number of free states and slave states equal in number. The last compromise can be said to be the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. There citizens would vote on slavery in there own territories. The US Congress, thereby washed its hands of the old style compromises. The people within territories would vote on the issue, Congress retreated from the slavery issue battle.

What compromise made by the founding fathers left a terrible burden?

your teacher is a liberal, half the colonies would not have joined if there wasnt a compromise on slavery, america probably wouldnt exist. If there hadnt been a compromise then the south would have developed into a country where slavery was completely acceptable instead of what it is now.