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As I see it, his greatest accomplishment to me was the building of The White House... you can find pictures of the original White House on but the original was burned down in the war between the states so yeahhh

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Q: What were the major accomplishments of Washingtons presidency?
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What were the major accomplishments of George Washingtons presidency?

He didn't do so well with that. but he was a good leader otherwise.Some even say that people heard him speaking in tongues when he was praying before a battle!

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What were the accomplishments of washingtons presidency?

As I see it, his greatest accomplishment to me was the building of The White House... you can find pictures of the original White House on but the original was burned down in the war between the states so yeahhh

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It inspired the French Revolution, which eventually led to Napoleon's rise to power.

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The presidency

What was important part of George washingtons presidency?

He set examples for other presidents to follow

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Before his presidency Washington helped form a new country, as president he helped establish the role of the presidency, and after his presidency he became the new country's largest distiller of whiskey.

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There were none. He was killed in office.

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The national debt due to the revolutionary war