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  • In the middle ages peasants had quite a number of jobs/responsibilities ... They had to work on the farms and look after the animals, they had to work in the bakeries, they had to thatch the roofs and build infrastructure (buildings). They had to look after their families and pray to God and much much more...
  • Nowadays, many people will associate the word peasant with a person who is uncouth, crude, etc. Originally, however, the word is derived from the French "paisant", meaning a person from the country. This is the way the word would have been understood in medieval times, and a peasant would have therefore been an agricultural worker. They would not have had "jobs" in the sense we know them today, but would more likely have been tenant farmers, farming a plot of land owned by the local landowner, a custom that still carries on in rural England to this day.
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13y ago
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9y ago

Peasants were usually uneducated and only able to do menial labor or farming jobs. They usually worked the land on a manor estate, paying rent by providing the Lord with their harvest. They were also did much of the construction of roads and bridges, as well as cared for the animals on the Lord's property..

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12y ago

Lord probably Knight Templar which is a fighting monk (or Duke), Cook, Baker, Herald, Baliff (or Reeve) which is a sheriff, Wise Woman, Perhaps Plague Doctor, Torturer, Tailor, Lady In Waiting, Lady (maybe)

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11y ago

There were many roles of a knight in the feudal system/ Medieval Period/Roman Times, whatever you call it. One of the main jobs of a knight or otherwise known as a manor was to:


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11y ago

The Upper class, such as kings, lords, and manors....then the knights, they protected the kings, lords, etc.....then whomever the knights chose to go to for help if they wanted the bottom were peasants that were allowed to live on whomever their owner's farm in return for money, products, and crops....also...the kings usually had people that worked for them that were bound to them, and in return for being able to farm and live on their land...gave crops and money to the kings, lords, and manors..which are lord's estates....

Hope this helped:D

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13y ago

They screwed around and drank rum

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Q: What were the peoples jobs in feudalism?
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