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Q: What were the results of the CWRICs investigation?
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Related questions

What do scientists do with their results after an investigation?

Results get published.

What is a valid investigation?

a valid investigation is an effective investigation i think. The results turn out to be what you had inferred.

What is the difference repetition and replication of an investigation?

Repetition is copying an investigation, while replication of an investigation is the results of an investigation, which is not likely to be accepted unless the investigation is repeated multiple times and the same result is obtained.

What is the final step of the scientific investigation?

reporting the results

How do scientists usually communicate and defend the result of an investigation?

How do scientists usually communicate and defend the results of an investigation

What is the difference between repetition and replication of an investigation?

Repetition is copying an investigation, while replication of an investigation is the results of an investigation, which is not likely to be accepted unless the investigation is repeated multiple times and the same result is obtained.

How does repeating the investigation help the student?

repeating a investigation can help to confirm your results. If you try an experiment once, it could be wrong so try it again and repeat it to confirm the results.

What were the results of the CWRIC'S investigation?

I need help to figure this question out

Why do scientist share information?

It is important for scientists to communicate to others not only the results of the investigation, but also the methods by which the investigation was done.

How do scientist communicate results of investigation?

To make theirs better and understand it

Investigatory with results nd discussion analysis conclusion recommendation?

Investigation of what?

Why are the results of an investigation sometimes different?

Because conditions my change or be changed.