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There were many people who were instrumental during the Revolutionary War. If you lost a single one of them, the British would have won the war. George Washington was probably the most vital out of them. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, also vital to the war. Patrick Henry's famous speech helped win the war as well. And Paul Revere's ride helped save a other patriot's lives which would be fatal as well. I believe that anyone from what I have just said is instrumental to the Revolutionary War. If you want any other suggestions, there is also Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, and Thomas Paine.

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Q: What were two major leaders in the American Revolution?
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The leaders of the French Revolution and the leaders of the American Revolution had one thing in common, they dramatically changed the politics, economics and society of their situation. That's where the commonality ended. The British Empire remained the power it always had been since the end of the French wars of the mid 18th century. In France the entire system was changed within a still major power.The American revolutionaries were not freeing a "starving" colony from the Empire. While in France, there was true poverty among the lower classes and people against the monarchy were severely punished. As the question speaks to the commonality between the two sets of revolutionaries, that's where it ends. The leaders of the French revolution only brought on death and destruction and the rise of a new "king" Napoleon Bonaparte.

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The leaders of the French Revolution and the leaders of the American Revolution had one thing in common, they dramatically changed the politics, economics and society of their situation. That's where the commonality ended. The British Empire remained the power it always had been since the end of the French wars of the mid 18th century. In France the entire system was changed within a still major power.The American revolutionaries were not freeing a "starving" colony from the Empire. While in France, there was true poverty among the lower classes and people against the monarchy were severely punished. As the question speaks to the commonality between the two sets of revolutionaries, that's where it ends. The leaders of the French revolution only brought on death and destruction and the rise of a new "king" Napoleon Bonaparte.

Who was the leader of the first political party?

The leaders of the American Revolution did not approve of the idea of political parties, but it seems they were inevitable. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were the founders and leaders of the first two political parties in the United States.

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The American Revolution and the French Revolution.

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There are two adjective phrases, but one is part of a proper noun: 1) "of the American Revolution" (modifies battle) 2) "of Bunker Hill" (modifies Battle)